Garden Tomb – Jerusalem, Israel
Right in the middle of the old city in Jerusalem lies “The Church of the Holy Sepulchre.” This beautiful and magnificent structure is believed to be the spot of Christs crucifixion and burial by most major Christian religions (catholics, etc). However, a handful of Christian churches, including Latter Day Saints, believe that Christ was crucified and buried in a little area outside the old city called “The Garden Tomb.” This humble little garden lies in the Muslim quarter just outside Damascus Gate. Lindsay and I walked up to this unassuming place one morning and had a wonderful and peaceful experience. After entering the gates you wander through beautiful kept gardens on small gravel paths. Eventually you end up at the tomb where Christ was buried and resurrected (according to LDS belief). This small tomb is cut into the mountain and has a very small opening. There is a small set of benches just outside and we saw numerous religious groups gather for hymns before entering the tomb. Lindsay and I sat outside the tomb for a few minutes just meditating and pondering. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and it was a beautiful morning. We then entered the tomb and saw the very simple/humble bed cut out in the stone. We were struck by the wooden engraving that hung in the tomb that simply said “he is not here for he has risen.” A little ways past the tomb you can see Golgatha Hill where Christ was crucified (according to LDS belief). This entire area is simply gorgeous and there is no denying the peaceful feeling that exists. We felt so lucky to be wondering around this humble garden tomb that represents something so sacred. It was an experience we will never forget.
Hi! You don't know me, my name is JulieAnn Barrus. I have a random question for you. I'm wondering about your picture of the garden tomb here:) It is so beautiful! Did you take it yourselves? If so, I'm wondering if you would be willing to give me permission to use it for a CD cover I'm working on. I'd be happy to work out some kind of compensation as well:) If you'd like to check out my music, so you know how it would be represented, here's my website address:
Thank you so much!
Thumbs up guys your doing a really good job.
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