Garden of Gethsemane – Jerusalem
Ever since my mission I have considered the Garden of Gethsemane to be the focal point of my spirituality. Due to experiences on my mission I have felt a very strong connection to this location and what transpired many years ago. When Lindsay and I first arrived in Jerusalem The Garden of Gethsemane is one of the first places we went. We walked through the old city, around the ancient walls and past the beautiful olive groves before stumbling upon the Church of All Nations which was built centuries ago over the Garden of Gethsemane. The interior of the church is very peaceful and contains a large boulder on the floor where Christ is believed to have prayed that night. There are benches all around where believers can kneel and meditate. Lindsay and I spent a few minutes in prayer/deep thought before entering the ancient olive garden which lies right next to the church. The feeling you get while strolling through this garden is one of piece and sacredness. The olive trees are beautiful and the grounds are immaculate with flowers, etc. In one corner of the garden lies a small stone sculpture depicting Christs suffering which is absolutely beautiful. It was one of the highlights of our lives to visit this sacred spot which means so much to the both of us. After visiting the garden we made our way up the step road that leads to the “Mount of Olives” which has breathtaking views over the city. All of Jerusalem is spectacular but for us the Garden of Gethsemane is the most memorable.
Hello, my name is Renee Packer and I wondered if there is any way I can use the image of the Garden of Gethsemane for a slide presentation on the Gardens of Christ?
I would only use it for that purpose, but having a full rez would certainly help. I have been in the Holy Land and have walked in the Garden of Gethsemane. I love this image.
Please let me know if this is a possibility and best to work this out.
Can I maybe get the high res version of the Garden of Gethsemane from you?
I am also very interested in the Gethsemane Olive Tree image - I work for the charity Embrace the Middle East and we print a calendar each year with images of the Holy Land - I would really love to feature your image in the 2021 calendar if possible.
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