East Nanjing Road – Shanghai, China
As I have mentioned in earlier posts Shanghai is an incredible city with numerous landmarks and incredible sights. One of these is the bright lights and crowds of East Nanjing Road. This pedestrian street runs right in the middle of central Shanghai. It is lined with numerous shops, food stalls, restaurants and thousands of people. Although it is fun in the daytime it is epic once the sun goes down. The entire street is light up with an insane amount of neon bright lights. This mixed with the unique architecture, thousands of people, Shanghai Skyline, sounds and smells makes for an assault on the senses. On one of our last nights in Shanghai Lindsay and I walked up and down this road to take in the scene. Although we did a little shopping (I bargained for an awesome Buddha statue) we were mostly just taking in the scene. We ended up getting hungry and found a man making fried rice/noodles in one of the back side streets off of East Nanjing road. We ordered a bowl of each (BY FAR the best I have ever had) and took it back to Nanjing road to eat and people watch. We had numerous locals stop us to ask where we had gotten the food so we were quite proud of our dinner selection :). East Nanjing road is truly one of the most unique and vibrant streets in the world…it is an experience just to walk it.
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