A Soggy Day with “Lady Liberty”
When Lindsay and I arrived in New York City for our first married trip they were having a very rainy week. All the news stations, and locals, kept talking about all the rain and how it hadn’t stopped for days. Normally this would have really discouraged us but something about the rain just adds to the overall atmosphere of the Big Apple so we didn’t mind it. One of the first things we did was walk down to Battery Park on the edge of Downtown to catch a ferry out to the Statue of Liberty. It was cold, foggy and very soggy when we boarded the ferry but that didn’t stop us from hanging out on the deck and enjoying the incredible views of the city as we pulled away from the dock. By the time we made it to the Statue of Liberty it was pouring rain. We quickly went into the visitor center to simply “wait it out.” However, after about an hour of just sitting there we began to realize that it probably wasn’t going to clear up. We had a lot of more places to see in the city so we figured we better start exploring. The rain, and wind, was so hard that all we could really do was run around the island occasionally glancing up at the statue. We would stop about every 100ft to get a picture and would then keep running. Despite the rush we actually were able to really appreciate the beauty and grandeur of this amazing statue. As we boarded the very to leave we just stood on top of the boat admiring the grandeur of the Statue of Liberty as we pulled away. At that moment the rain slowed and the clouds broke just briefly so that we could get an incredible view of Manhattan. By the time the ferry docked at Ellis Island we were to cold and wet to get out and enjoy. We just stayed on the ferry and figured we would hit up this historic structure on another trip. :) Although the rain was relentless we still had a wonderful experience exploring the majestic Statue of Liberty.
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